Invite Jonah Chipeco to deliver motivational talks. 

Where we blend inspiration with practical insights, igniting your passion and potential in the world of leadership, teamwork, and personal branding. Embark on this transformative experience that promises to redefine your approach to business and life.


Writing as A Leadership Discipline.

Discover the transformative power of effective communication in leadership. Through this motivational talk, we delve into how refined writing skills can shape you into an influential leader.

Other Topics

Collaboration Skills for Teams

Unleash the true potential of teamwork with our captivating talk on collaboration skills. Explore the art of seamless communication, active listening, and fostering a collaborative spirit within your team. Elevate your team dynamics and navigate challenges as a cohesive unit, propelling your business towards greater achievements.

Celebrate Your Story

Your journey matters, and our motivational talk "Celebrate Your Story" emphasizes just that. Discover the art of sharing your successes, learning from failures, and crafting a compelling narrative that resonates with clients, partners, and stakeholders. Embrace your unique journey, showcase your achievements, and build a brand story that captivates and inspires.

Personal Branding in the Digital Age

This talk is famous for being a school best-seller and has become a guide for students trying to find their way in the complicated world of the digital age. In 2023, Jonah Chipeco has been asked to give talks at top universities like the Ateneo Graduate School of Business and Adamson University . We will break down what personal branding is all about and looks at how to make a unique online personality.